Well me have made it to southern baja. The trip across the border and into mexico was pretty good. No real problems. The roads are actually quite nice but we have had to take some unexpected exits down rutted dirt roads. Not so bad except the bikes are fully loaded and that does not help much in the dirt. Sometimes though you just have to go down a dirtroad for the experience. The first night in Mexico dad and I were both a little freaked, just coming across the border and getting into the spanish. Tuesday we drove to Guaymas to catch the ferry to Baja. We thought we were going to be the only bikers on the ferry until about ten other BWM 1200 (the bigger more manly BMWs) riders rode up. Some of these guys had ridden all the way to Argentina and asked me a bunch of quiestions about my bike. Of which I knew nothing about. It kind of freaked me out. I looked at dad and I, two smaller guys with really no experience, and compared us to these Dudes and though we are totally screwed. But since then I ve gotten over it and realize we are just fine. If we are really going to make it to Argentina Dad and I are going to just check are egos at the border and let it be.
But the ferry ride across the Sea of Cortez was great. Totally cramped, totally hot, totally loud with little kids, no beds, only hard plastic chairs to sleep in. The TV was blasting some crap mexican game show until 3 AM. This boat was really small but they packed it full. We arrived in Santa Rosario at 7 am and hit the road. Thats when the Kamikazi Butterflies started bombing us. My helmet is a grave yard of wings and guts. But Baja is quite incredible and beatiful. The winding roads through the mountains give way to utter straight roads in the desert. If I was a surfer I would surely live here. Yesterday we pulled into Todos Santos outside of Cabo San Lucus. Unloaded the bikes and hit the dirt and sand. I finally dumped the bike, thank god. It was good to get my first dunp out the way. Now I do not give a shit. I think we both got our confidence on the dirt, which will be need. Manana I think we will head to Cabo. Dad really wants to do some Tequila shots and drink some Bud Light at Senor Frogs.
We're loving your updates and glad to hear you made it to Mexico. Keep on rockin' guys! We're sending you bear hugs from Colorado!
It was 17 degrees out when I rode my Beemer to work this week. The Saturday AM Breakfast Bunch is keeping up-to-date on your travels. You guys are providing us with lots entertainment. Maybe this is what they meant when they said, "Taking a trip without leaving the farm." I always thought it meant something different.... Take care, John in Omaha
Frtiz and Marty - Happy Thanks giving we are all sitting around reading your blog - Forget about the Kamakazi Butterflies -
a little more Salty Language if you are going to put it in a book
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